Premium haptic experience for D-BOX coded movies, TV shows, using audio synchronization. All this using your computer as a HaptiSync controller.
1. |
ACCOUNT & SUBSCRIPTION (1st time only) If not already done, create your D-BOX Connect account and ensure you subscribe to an HaptiSync subscription to get access to haptic codes for more than 2,800 movies and shows. |
2. |
SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD (1st time only) If not already done, download and install the latest version of D-BOX HaptiSync Center Software Suite. It is available in the Software Downloads section of our website. If you have a Motion 1 chair and have installed MasterPlus+ already, you can skip this step. |
3. |
Open the HaptiSync Center. The app can be launched either from your desktop shortcut, the Windows Start Menu or from MasterPlus (software available if you own a Cooler Master Motion 1 chair). |
4. |
ACTIVATION (1st time only) Make sure your computer is activated and linked to your D-BOX Connect account. |
5. |
LOG IN (1st time only) When prompted by the HaptiSync Center, login to your D-BOX Connect account. |
6. |
In the HaptiSync Mode section, set the HaptiSync Mode to D-BOX Coded Video. |
7. |
Click on Library (Watch section) to see the list of haptic codes available and validate the content you want to watch is available. |
8. |
Back in the HaptiSync Mode section, in the Adjust Settings section, select your Active Audio Source to be used to listen the sound coming out of your PC.
9. |
TESTING & CALIBRATION (1st time only) Open your browser and go to the D-BOX Haptic Experiences YouTube channel
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In the Advanced Settings section, you can adjust the Haptic Delay Calibration and the Recognition Tolerance. Haptic Calibration Delay:
Recognition Tolerance:
11. |
Start your movie and wait for the audio synchronization to complete. Haptic feedback should start within a minute. You will see the movie title appear in the Current Status/"Now Playing" section. |