To redeem your promo code, you must first create a D-BOX Connect account and add a subscription. Follow the steps below to learn how to redeem it.
Step 1: |
Create your D-BOX Connect account by following the steps 1 to 6 in this article: |
Step 2: |
After your account is created, click on the tab Subscriptions and then click on ADD SUBSCRIPTION. Select the HaptiSync Subscription and click on NEXT You are now on the BILLING & PAYMENTS (billing address) tab. Click on EDIT to enter your billing address. This is mandatory for credit card validation. When all the information is entered, click on CONFIRM. Click on EDIT to enter your payment information. When completed, click on CONFIRM to go back to the high-level Billing & Payments tab. Validate the information and click on NEXT. Validate one last time the subscription chosen and the price associated. Enter your promo code here and click on APPLY. The rebate associated to your promo code will be confirmed in the billing details. Click on CONFIRM. Your subscription is now active. |
Note: You can remove your credit card information after your subscription is activated. |