Introduction to the D-BOX System Monitor

The System Monitor gives you the ability to test and run diagnostics on your D-BOX haptic system.

If using Motion Core/Game Center, it can be found in the "D-BOX Utilities" folder in the Windows start menu.  

If using the HaptiSync Center, it can be accessed by clicking "Monitoring & Diagnostics" in the Haptic Output Tab.

Camera Icon 1091895 Taking screenshots will help the support team to resolve your issues.

Overview Tab

The overview tab shows the status for each actuator. Other functions are available by clicking the buttons located at the right bottom of the screen:

Connections Tab

Displays the status for each component of your haptic system. All dots should be green. A red indicator means faulty component. Go to the Detail Tab to investigate further.

Details Tab

This section displays in real time the health of your haptic system. If a component fails, the information related to the failure will be shown in red. Visit the System Faults and Alarm section to find the potential causes and corrective actions.